Tuesday, May 29, 2007

more Bilibin


Anonymous said...

I remember having a book of russian folk tales as a kid, but the illustrations were not as good as these... Great babayaga on the previous post. Beautiful works. Thanks for posting these, again.

Oscar Grillo said...

I REALLY LOVE THESE, ANDREI!!...You can see where the celebrate Herge, of Tintin's fame, got the idea for "La ligne claire"!

A. Riabovitchev said...

Laurent,Thank you for comment!Pity , Bilibin books is not published in Russia for a long time . :o)
Thanks Oscar!I glad you love it.I post some more of Bilibins beautys for you.:o)

Raul Avila said...

una barbaridad de uso de la linea

Marco Flore said...

I love this blog.
I knew Bilinbin, but all other artists
are outstanding...
well done